King High is designed for 11th and 12th grade students who are at least 16 years-old. Students and families choose King for a variety of reasons, such as credit recovery, accelerated graduation, flexible scheduling, a small learning community, one-on-one instruction, and/or to address special needs or circumstances (Special Education, English Learners).
New students are accepted on a case-by-case basis at the beginning of each quarter.
Current DJUSD Students
If you are interested in enrolling at King, contact your school counselor to set up an intake interview for the next quarter. Prospective students participate in an intake interview with our principal and counselor to determine if King is an appropriate placement. We do not offer rolling admissions; students wait until the beginning of a new quarter to enroll at King.
Out of District Students
If you live outside of the Davis Joint Unified School District and would like to attend King High, please contact the District Office to initiate an interdistrict transfer agreement.
If you are new to the Davis Joint Unified School District and are transferring from another continuation high school, please contact the Principal and Counselor to set up an intake meeting. Students who relocate to within the DJUSD may be immediately enrolled, if placement is appropriate. New students must provide proof of residency in Davis, current immunization records, proof of birth-date, and school records.
Enrollment checklist:
Be at least 16 years-old and in 11th or 12th grade
Talk to your counselor* at your home school to set up an intake interview for the next quarter of King enrollment
Participate in intake interview with King staff
Student and parent/guardian attend mandatory Welcome Night the week before the new quarter begins
Complete withdrawal paperwork at your previous school
New students participate in two days of orientation prior to beginning classes
If you think you may be interested in King, act early and get your name on the list for intake interviews by speaking to your counselor now to keep your options open for future quarters!
*Students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) must contact their case managers to initiate a transfer packet request. Placement at King depends on an IEP team decision.
For information about enrolling as a 10th grade student, or to request an exception for immediate placement, contact the Principal or Counselor to schedule a meeting.
If you have been expelled, contact DJUSD Student Support Services at (530) 757-5300 to discuss options for enrollment.